Sunday, 20 December 2015

English today

English today - the second largest population in the world, its dialects, is spoken by more than 400 million people. On this basis, but also because of the extraordinary ease of the study and the brevity of the main words or phrases of English in the 20th century became the language of international communication.

Modern English is a direct descendant of old English, or Anglo-Saxon language, spoken arrived in Britain in the 5th century the Germanic tribes of angles, Saxons and Utes. Modern morphological and phonetic outlines of the language acquired in the XVI century, and based on the London dialect, which created their most wonderful works of Shakespeare and Francis bacon.

English is a classic example of an analytical language, in which grammar is ancient inflectional endings and prefixes play a crucial role word order, prepositions and articles.
But it took a very long time, and it is not surprising that the English language undergoes changes. These changes were made to the articles.

As already mentioned, in modern English has established the concept of the three article: certain the, indefinite a/an and zero (the meaningful absence of the article).

A definite article is inherent value of individualization, it characterizes the subject, as already known, the specific allocated from the entire class of homogeneous items with him. The indefinite article describes the object, the name of which it is associated as one of the representatives, any representatives of a class of objects.

But now you can see that in English magazines, Newspapers, spoken language, and so forth there is a tendency to use the articles are not traditional, classical rules.
In English, the articles have become quite often be omitted, if this does not change the meaning of a sentence. About "Article in English" you can read on this post 

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