Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Technical editing and proofreading

Technical editing and proofreading
If you have composed the layout and you want to be sure that the document does not contain structural and technical errors, then you can use the "Technical editing".
In the process of editing the editor checks the correctness of the structure of the layout (partitioning, sections, chapters, etc.), corrects problems caused by the changes of other text editors, checks the text contents, checks the correctness of the construction of the headers and the lettering lays out the inset.
Technical editing as a rule, is the final stage in the preparation of the layout. If in the process of technical editing will be identified over 5% errors, we recommend, after making changes to the layout, perform a final proofreading.

Semantic editing
If you have text and you want to improve its structure, to build or rebuild the logic of presentation, then you can use the "Semantic editing".
Semantic editing — the most powerful, deep edit. In the process editor first determines the future structure of the text and then performs semantic editing, following the selected structure.

Adaptation translations
The translation should read as a text written in English. But in any case remains a certain amount of untranslatable units (words, phraseological units, and sometimes whole phrases), i.e., for which there is no equivalent. To get out of the situation can be different. In free translation social or cultural realia in the source text are replaced by corresponding realities in translation. As a result, the objects, facts and events mentioned in the translation, become clear to the English audience.

The word or expression that is absent in the English language, it is possible to borrow from the language of the source without any changes. Another way is to copy the untranslatable word that is translated separately to its relevant parts. Sometimes you can resort to descriptive translation and replace one word of the source text by a group of words or a phrase in the target language.
In addition, English is incomprehensible to the reader the realities can be interpreted in the notes. Also in notes can be attributed to the play of words.

If a translated legal document (e.g. contract), it is essential to ensure adequate translation of all terms used. Only in this case, you can count on the fact that the document will be recognized in another country is valid.

Adaptation of translations may be required in different situations — serious retelling of artwork for children or special text for non-specialists. But always when adaptation is necessary to solve two problems: first, not to deviate from the original, preserving its content and style, and secondly, to make the translated text accessible to the English reader. We conduct a literary adaptation of translations from all languages and adapts texts to the modern English reality.

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